Info Sean is buying a new DVD player for 315. the store offers him an interest-free payment plan that allows him to pay in monthly installments of $25.

Ques. Use n to stand for number of payments and a for the amount still owed. Write an equation for calculating a for any value of n. do i answer this ques.

To answer this question, you can use the equation:

a = 315 - 25n

In this equation, "a" represents the amount still owed, "n" represents the number of payments made, and 315 represents the total cost of the DVD player.

To explain how this equation is derived, let's break it down step by step:

1. The total cost of the DVD player is $315, which is the amount Sean needs to pay in total.
2. Sean is making monthly installments of $25, so the amount still owed after each payment can be calculated by subtracting the total payments made (25n) from the total cost (315). This gives us the equation a = 315 - 25n.

To find the amount still owed after a certain number of payments, all you need to do is substitute the value of "n" into the equation and solve for "a". For example, if Sean has made 5 payments, you can calculate the amount still owed as:

a = 315 - 25 * 5
a = 315 - 125
a = 190

Therefore, after 5 payments, Sean would still owe $190.