Sleep deprivation for a period of several days results in

a. dizziness, slurred speech, and hallucinations in everyone.
b. a loss of skill, such as that needed to play arcade games
c. a total loss of ability to concentratel; even the simplest taks cannot be completed
d. minimal effects in some people who have control of the situation

Okay, i cannot figure this one out. Here are my reasons:
a. not EVERYONE sees hallucinations
b. your motor skills are effected, but you can play video games still
c. you can concentrate on things you want to for a short peiod of time, your concentration is not COMPLETELY gone
d. i don't think a person can control what happens to them

Does anyone know the answer??

I agree with you. None of the answers seems right. However, b may be the best answer. You'd lose skill and your eye-hand coordination would diminish.

I go for d.

Vietnam taught me one can keep performing without sleep for long periods if it is of grave consequence to fail to do so.

Hey? What happened to my answer? Did you delete it?


It never showed up! Please send again!

nope, never saw it.

Oh, I swear I saw it there. Anyways, I was just saying that she needed to concentrate on the fact that it was over a period of SEVERAL DAYS, and it could do major things to your body. (and plus, on letter a, I think it means that the sleep-deprived person sees everyone else as hallucinations or they see hallucinations on everyone else.)

I deleted your answer because it is wrong. Here's the definition of hallucination from

"1. a sensory experience of something that does not exist outside the mind, caused by various physical and mental disorders, or by reaction to certain toxic substances, and usually manifested as visual or auditory images.
2. the sensation caused by a hallucinatory condition or the object or scene visualized.
3. a false notion, belief, or impression; illusion; delusion."

The question: a. dizziness, slurred speech, and hallucinations in everyone. This means that everyone experiences these symptoms, including delusions and imaginary images.

Oh I get it, thanks Ms. Sue for clearing that up for me!


You're welcome. :-)

The correct answer is c. a total loss of ability to concentrate; even the simplest tasks cannot be completed.

To arrive at this answer, let's break down the options and eliminate the incorrect ones based on your reasoning:

a. Dizziness, slurred speech, and hallucinations in everyone: You correctly pointed out that not everyone experiences hallucinations. Additionally, while dizziness and slurred speech can be associated with sleep deprivation, it does not occur uniformly in everyone. Therefore, we can eliminate option a.

b. A loss of skill, such as that needed to play arcade games: You correctly noted that motor skills can be affected by sleep deprivation, but it does not necessarily result in a complete loss of skill. It may cause a decrease in performance, but it is unlikely to completely prevent someone from playing arcade games. Hence, option b can be eliminated.

d. Minimal effects in some people who have control of the situation: You rightly stated that individuals cannot fully control the effects of sleep deprivation. While some people may appear to manage better or have better coping mechanisms, sleep deprivation generally has significant effects on cognitive function. Thus, option d can be eliminated.

This leaves us with option c, which suggests that sleep deprivation results in a total loss of ability to concentrate, making even the simplest tasks difficult to complete. This aligns with the well-known consequences of sleep deprivation on cognitive function, including impaired attention, memory, and concentration.

Therefore, based on the information provided, the correct answer is c. a total loss of ability to concentrate; even the simplest tasks cannot be completed.