How do i make this a stronger thesis statement?

There are many circumstances that effect the actions of fictional characters.

Poverty, family conflicts, and war affect the actions of fictional characters.

You'll need to modify that sentence to reflect the characters and circumstances about whom you're writing.

I said, Family conflicts,economical status, and cultural backgrounds affect the actions of the characters in Toni Cade Bambaras The Lesson, and William Faulkners A Rose For Emily.


To make your thesis statement stronger, you need to be more specific, concise, and focused. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to improve it:

1. Identify the main idea: Determine the key point you want to convey in your thesis statement. What specifically do you want to highlight about the circumstances that affect fictional characters' actions?

2. Be more specific: State an explicit claim instead of a general statement. Instead of saying "many circumstances," specify the particular circumstances or factors you want to discuss. Are you referring to external events, personal experiences, relationships, or any other specific aspects that influence fictional characters?

3. Limit the scope: Narrow down your focus to make your thesis statement more concise and manageable. A broad statement may make your argument appear weak or unfocused. Try to find a balance between being specific and not overgeneralizing.

4. Make it debatable: The best thesis statements invite discussion or debate. Ensure that your statement takes a position that can be supported or challenged with evidence or analysis.

Based on these guidelines, here's an example of how you can strengthen your thesis statement:

"Significant personal traumas, such as loss, betrayal, and failed aspirations, profoundly shape the motivations and actions of fictional characters in classic literature."

In this revised thesis statement, we have specified the circumstances as "significant personal traumas" and clarified the focus to be on classic literature. This statement is debatable, as it asserts that personal traumas strongly influence fictional characters' actions, and it provides a clear direction for the reader to explore and evaluate.