What is subject and verb of this sentence...The rest of story was never told.

rest was

rest was told

Rest was told, good job Ms.Sue. I am a 12 year old in the 8th grade I'll come to you for help on homework.

I love basketball more than you.

To identify the subject and verb in the sentence "The rest of the story was never told," we first need to understand the basic structure of a sentence.

Typically, a sentence consists of a subject, which is the person or thing performing the action or being described, and a verb, which is the action or state of being.

In this sentence, the subject is "The rest of the story," and the verb is "was."

To confirm this, let's break down the sentence further:

- "The rest" is the subject. It refers to what is left or remaining.
- "Of the story" is a prepositional phrase that gives more information about the subject.
- "Was" is the past tense form of the verb "to be," which shows the state of existence or condition.
- "Never told" is the verb phrase. "Told" is the past participle of the verb "to tell," and "never" is an adverb that indicates the perpetuity of the action.

Therefore, in the sentence "The rest of the story was never told," the subject is "The rest of the story," and the verb is "was."