In a proper lab report, is first person allowed? Or should I avoid using "I"? Thanks.

In most cases, writing in the first person (using "I" or "we") is not recommended in a proper lab report. The purpose of a lab report is to present objective, scientific information, and avoid personal biases. Instead, it is more common to use the passive voice or third person point of view when describing your methods, observations, and conclusions.

To ensure that you are following the appropriate guidelines for your specific assignment or institution, it is always best to consult the instructions given by your instructor or the lab report formatting guidelines provided by your school. These guidelines may vary, and some instructors or institutions may allow the use of first person if it is deemed necessary.

If you still have doubts or need clarification, don't hesitate to reach out to your instructor for guidance on how to approach the use of first person in your lab report.