Matching: Predation, Competition.

Red tailed hawks and black racer snakes prey on the same species of rodents in the same habitat.
White tailed deer eat tree leaves.
Match and explain why.

Which preys on other animals? Which would be in competition for food?

Does that help you?

My science teacher claims that both are preying, and i can see that both would be in competition for food.

Predation: Red-tailed hawks and black racer snakes prey on the same species of rodents. Predation is a type of ecological interaction where one organism, called the predator, kills and consumes another organism, called the prey. In this example, both the hawks and snakes are predators, and the rodents are their shared prey. They hunt and feed on the rodents to obtain nutrients and energy.

Competition: White-tailed deer eat tree leaves. Competition is an ecological interaction where organisms compete for limited resources, such as food, water, or territory. In this case, the white-tailed deer eat tree leaves as their source of nutrition. However, this resource (tree leaves) is limited in availability, especially in a specific habitat. Thus, the white-tailed deer may have to compete with each other for access to enough leaves to sustain themselves.

To match the examples with their respective ecological interactions:
- Predation: Red-tailed hawks and black racer snakes preying on the same species of rodents.
- Competition: White-tailed deer competing for tree leaves as a food source.