my question is if my work enviornment is consider working in a school.

1. Would this organization be considered a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation?

My answer: I feel that it would be a corporations because it is dealing with the school district wouldn't it. Because a sole propritorship is with one person owning it and a partnership is having partners owning.

2. Who is involved with the accounting decisions and information?

My answer is: I would say the government but I really do not know.

To determine if an organization is a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation, you need to consider the legal structure and ownership of the entity. In the case of a school, it is likely that the organization would be structured as a corporation. Most schools are operated by government entities or non-profit corporations, which are typically incorporated.

Regarding accounting decisions and information, the key individuals involved can vary depending on the organization's structure. In the case of a school, it would typically involve the following:

1. School Administration: This includes principals and other school administrators who are responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the school. They may be involved in making financial decisions and providing financial information to relevant parties.

2. School Board/District: In the case of public schools, a school board or district oversees the governance of the school and ensures compliance with policies and regulations. They may have authority over accounting decisions and receive information regarding the financial status of the school.

3. Government Agencies: In the case of public schools, government agencies at the local, state, and federal levels may be involved in accounting decisions and financial oversight. They may establish guidelines, regulations, and reporting requirements that schools must follow.

4. Accounting Department/Staff: Schools often have an accounting department or staff responsible for maintaining financial records, preparing financial statements, and ensuring compliance with accounting principles and regulations.

It's worth noting that the specific individuals involved may vary depending on the organizational structure and policies of the school. For instance, private schools may have different decision-makers and reporting requirements compared to public schools.