After you work out at the gym on a stationary bike for 43.0 minutes, the distance guage indicated that you have traveled 14.8 miles. What was your rate in km/hr?

1 mi = 1.609km

convert mi to km

convert min to hr

rate (km/hr)=distance (km) /time (hr)

To find your rate in km/hr, you need to convert the distance traveled from miles to kilometers and the time from minutes to hours.

1 mile is approximately equal to 1.609 kilometers.

So, the distance traveled in kilometers is:
14.8 miles * 1.609 km/mile = 23.7872 kilometers

Next, you need to convert the time from minutes to hours.
There are 60 minutes in 1 hour, so:
43.0 minutes / 60 minutes/hour = 0.7167 hours (rounded to four decimal places)

Now, divide the distance traveled in kilometers by the time in hours to find the rate in km/hr:
23.7872 kilometers / 0.7167 hours = 33.1602 km/hr (rounded to four decimal places)

So, your rate on the stationary bike was approximately 33.1602 km/hr.

To find your rate in km/hr, you need to convert the distance you traveled from miles to kilometers and the time from minutes to hours. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Convert miles to kilometers:
- 1 mile is approximately equal to 1.60934 kilometers.
- Multiply the distance you traveled (14.8 miles) by the conversion factor:
14.8 miles * 1.60934 km/mile = 23.827632 km

2. Convert minutes to hours:
- There are 60 minutes in an hour, so you divide the time you spent (43.0 minutes) by 60 to get the value in hours:
43.0 minutes / 60 = 0.7167 hours

3. Calculate the rate in km/hr:
- Divide the distance you traveled in kilometers by the time in hours:
23.827632 km / 0.7167 hours = 33.270 km/hr

Therefore, your rate on the stationary bike is approximately 33.270 km/hr.