What are 2 processess that change earth slowly?

The ___1____, which includes the__2____ and part of the _____3_____, is divided into plates that carry all of the Earth's lands and oceans. These plates float on a ___4____ layer of rock in the upper mantle called the ___5__. THe plates are constantly____6___. Most of Earth's___7____ occur where plates interact. Fill in with terms,crust, moving, lithosphere, asthenosphere, upper mantle, volcanoes, semisolid

Which words do you think go into these blanks?

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To find the two processes that change Earth slowly, we can use the information provided in the question.

1. The Earth's surface, which includes the crust and part of the upper mantle, is divided into plates that carry all of the Earth's lands and oceans.
2. These plates float on a semisolid layer of rock in the upper mantle called the asthenosphere.
3. The plates are constantly moving.
4. Most of Earth's volcanoes occur where plates interact.

Based on this information, the two processes that change Earth slowly are:

1. Plate Tectonics: The constant movement of Earth's tectonic plates over millions of years causes various landforms, such as mountains, valleys, and oceanic trenches, to form. It also leads to the creation of new crust through volcanic activity and the recycling of old crust.

2. Volcanism: Volcanoes are formed at plate boundaries where one plate is forced beneath another in a process called subduction. The melting of rock in the subduction zone results in the formation of magma, which can then erupt from the Earth's surface as lava, leading to the creation of new landforms over time.