Can you check these. I'm not really sure how to do these so I need a little help and examples.

Part 1: Des promoms interrogatifs et relatifs

Complétez en utilisant qu'est-ce qui ou qu'est-ce que.

1. ---------- se passe?
Answer: Qu'est-ce qui

2. ----------- est sur la table?
Answer: Qu'est-ce qui

3. ---------- vous avez?
Answer: Qu'est-ce que

4. --------- est arrivé?
Answer: Qu'est-ce qui

5. -------- te fait mal?
Answer: Qu'est-ce que

6. -------- le médecin t'a dit?
Answer: Qu'est-ce que

7. -------- il t'a fait?
Answer: Qu'est-ce qu'

8. --------- il t'a prescrit?
Answer: Qu'est-ce qu'

9. -------- la radio indiquait?
Answer: Qu'est-ce qui

10. --------- il va faire?
Answer: Qu'est-ce qu'

Part 2: Tu sais ce qu'il faut faire!
Complétez en utiliasnt ce qui ou ce que.

1. -------- intéresse Paul, c'est le diagnostic.
Answer: Ce qui

2. Tu sais ------- lui est arrivé, n'est-ce pas.
Answer: ce que

3. Il n'a pas compris ------- le médecin lui a dit.
Answer: ce que

4. Mais -------- m'inquiète, c'est que le médecin n'a pas pu lui dire exactement -------- il a .
Answer 1: ce que
Answer 2: qu'

5. Il a fait -------- il fallait faire.
Answer: ce qu'

Interrogative pronouns will ask a question. On your later post, I have listed the ones you were currently working with.

Relative pronouns are most frequently: qui (who, which, that = subject of a verb/for people & things, que (qu') = whom, which, that = direct object of a verb/for people & things, qui = whom = object of a preposition (only for persons)

Here are others that you may not have seen yet: lequel, laquelle, lesquels, lesquelles = which, object of a preosition and used principally for things

dont = of whom, of which, whose = used for both persons & things

où = where, in which, on which, may replace dans, à, sur + a form of lequel and used in expressions of location

ce qui = what = that which, subject of a verb
ce que (ce qu') = what = that which, direct object of a verb
ce don't = what = that of which, used with 4xpressions taking "de"

When you are ready, ask for a "summary" of relative pronouns

#5 = Qu'est-ce qui (subject of verb)

#9 = Qu'est-ce que (object)

Part II: ce qui vs ce que

#2 (don't look at the "Tu sais") = ce qui (subject)

#4 = ce qui (subject) & ce qu' (object)

Sra (aka Mme)

Part 1: Des pronoms interrogatifs et relatifs

In this exercise, you are completing the sentences using the pronouns "qu'est-ce qui" or "qu'est-ce que" which are used to ask questions about the subject (qu'est-ce qui) or the object (qu'est-ce que).

1. Qu'est-ce qui se passe? (What is happening?)
To get this answer, you need to understand that "quoi" (what) is used when you are questioning the object, but in this case, you are questioning the subject, so you need to use "qui" (who/what).

2. Qu'est-ce qui est sur la table? (What is on the table?)
Again, you are asking about the subject, so "qui" is used.

3. Qu'est-ce que vous avez? (What do you have?)
Here, you are asking about the object, so "que" (what) is used.

4. Qu'est-ce qui est arrivé? (What happened?)
Asking about the subject, so "qui" is used.

5. Qu'est-ce que te fait mal? (What is hurting you?)
Questioning the object, so "que" is used.

6. Qu'est-ce que le médecin t'a dit? (What did the doctor tell you?)
Questioning the object, so "que" is used.

7. Qu'est-ce qu'il t'a fait? (What did he do to you?)
Questioning the object, so "qu'" is used because the following word starts with a vowel sound.

8. Qu'est-ce qu'il t'a prescrit? (What did he prescribe to you?)
Questioning the object, so "qu'" is used.

9. Qu'est-ce qui la radio indiquait? (What did the X-ray show?)
Questioning the subject, so "qui" is used.

10. Qu'est-ce qu'il va faire? (What is he going to do?)
Questioning the object, so "qu'" is used.

Part 2: Tu sais ce qu'il faut faire!

In this exercise, you are completing the sentences using the pronouns "ce qui" or "ce que" which are used to refer to something previously mentioned or seen.

1. Ce qui intéresse Paul, c'est le diagnostic. (What interests Paul is the diagnosis.)
Here, you are referring back to something previously mentioned, which is "ce qui."

2. Tu sais ce qui lui est arrivé, n'est-ce pas. (You know what happened to him, right?)
Again, referring to something previously mentioned, so "ce qui" is used.

3. Il n'a pas compris ce que le médecin lui a dit. (He didn't understand what the doctor told him.)
Referring to the object, so "ce que" is used.

4. Mais ce qui m'inquiète, c'est que le médecin n'a pas pu lui dire exactement ce qu'il a. (But what worries me is that the doctor couldn't tell him exactly what he has.)
Here, you are referring to something previously mentioned, so "ce qui" is used. In the second part of the sentence, you are questioning the object, so "ce qu'" is used as the following word starts with a vowel sound.

5. Il a fait ce qu'il fallait faire. (He did what needed to be done.)
Again, referring to something previously mentioned, so "ce qu'" is used.