simplify: 3 to fourth power minus square root of sixty-four divide (10-12 squared)

Break it up and it'll be easier:

(3x3)x(3x3) (it doesn't matter where the x goes--it's all times the same positive number.
So (9x9)-sq. root of 64 (an easy one--it's got to be under 10n because you don't need the sq root of 100) over (10-12) x itself




To simplify the expression, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the square root of sixty-four
The square root of sixty-four is 8, since 8 multiplied by itself (8 * 8) equals sixty-four.

Step 2: Evaluate 10 - 12 squared
12 squared means 12 multiplied by itself (12 * 12), which is 144. Now subtract it from 10:
10 - 144 = -134

Step 3: Calculate 3 to the fourth power
3 to the fourth power means 3 multiplied by itself four times:
3 * 3 * 3 * 3 = 81

Step 4: Divide the results from steps 1, 2, and 3
Now divide 81 by the result of Step 2:
81 / (-134) = -0.6044776119402985 (approximated to 16 decimal places)

Therefore, the simplified expression is approximately -0.6044776119402985.