Jane’s car travels 224 mi on 12 gal of gas. Rounded to the nearest mile per gallon, how many miles to the gallon does her car get?

divide mi by gal then round the number up if the number after the decimal point is 5 or above and down if the number after the decimal is less than 5

To find the number of miles per gallon, you need to divide the total distance traveled (in miles) by the total amount of gas used (in gallons). In this case, Jane's car traveled 224 miles on 12 gallons of gas.

To calculate the miles per gallon, divide 224 miles by 12 gallons:

224 miles / 12 gallons = 18.666666666666668 miles/gallon.

Now, to round this to the nearest mile per gallon, you have to consider the decimal part of the answer. Since the decimal part is 0.666666666666668, which is greater than or equal to 0.5, the rounded answer will be 19 miles per gallon.

So, Jane's car gets approximately 19 miles per gallon.