In each of the following, order the decimals from greatest to least:

a) 13.4919, 13.492, 13.49183, 13.49199
b) -1.453, -1.45, -1.4053, -1.493

(a) 13.492 13.49199 13.4919 13.49183

(b) -1.4053 -1.45 -1.453 -1.493

b) -1.453, -1.45, -1.4053, -1.493

-1.4053, -1.45, -1.453, -1.493

I'll be glad to check your answers for a.


To order decimals from greatest to least, you need to compare the digits to the right of the decimal point.

a) 13.49199, 13.4919, 13.49183, 13.492
- Start by comparing the first digit to the right of the decimal point. 13.49199 has a 9, 13.4919 has a 9, 13.49183 has an 8, and 13.492 has a 2. The digit 9 is the greatest, so it comes first.
- Next, compare the second digit to the right of the decimal point. 13.49199, 13.4919, and 13.49183 all have a 9, while 13.492 has a 4. The digit 9 is still the greatest, so it stays in the second position.
- Now, compare the third digit to the right of the decimal point. 13.49199 and 13.49183 both have a 1, while 13.4919 has a 0, and 13.492 has a 2. So, the digit 1 comes next.
- Finally, compare the fourth digit to the right of the decimal point. 13.49199 has a 9, 13.49183 has an 8, and 13.4919 has a 9. The digit 9 is the greatest, so it goes last.
- The correct order from greatest to least is: 13.49199, 13.4919, 13.49183, 13.492.

b) -1.4053, -1.45, -1.453, -1.493
- Start by comparing the first digit to the right of the decimal point. All the numbers have a 4 as the first digit, so move on to the next digit.
- Compare the second digit to the right of the decimal point. -1.4053 has a 0, -1.45 has a 5, -1.453 has a 5, and -1.493 has a 9. The digit 9 is the greatest, so it comes first.
- Now, compare the third digit to the right of the decimal point. -1.493 has a 3, -1.453 has a 3, -1.45 has a 0, and -1.4053 has a 5. The digit 5 is the greatest, so it stays in the second position.
- Finally, compare the fourth digit to the right of the decimal point. -1.4053 has a 3, -1.45 has a 0, -1.453 has a 3, and -1.493 has a 4. The digit 4 is the greatest, so it goes last.
- The correct order from greatest to least is: -1.493, -1.45, -1.453, -1.4053.