what does this quote mean

''there comes a time when a woman needs to dtop thinking about her looks and focus her energies on raising her children. this time comes at the moment of conception. A child needs a role model, not a supermodel'' by astrid alauda

What does this quote mean to you?

i do not know what the conception means in this quote

conception: when the egg is fertilized by a male gamete.

Ok, you all need to take notes, there are two rules to parenting:

Rule One- all children are the parent's 1st priority, always and forever, if you cannot put your children 1st, you have no business being a parent.

Rule Two- See rule one

This is just common sense people, if you bring a child into the world, it is your job to raise them with love and laughter.

The quote by Astrid Alauda implies that there is a time in a woman's life when she should shift her priorities away from her physical appearance and instead devote her attention and efforts to raising her children. Alauda suggests that this shift should occur at the moment of conception, indicating that as soon as a woman becomes a mother, her sole focus should be on being a positive and influential figure for her children. The quote further emphasizes that a child needs a mother who serves as a role model, someone who provides guidance, love, and support, rather than a mother who prioritizes materialistic standards of beauty or superficial qualities.