i did a lab and i need to find out the melting point for lauric acid and lauric acid with another substance. the teacher told us to figure it out using excel.

this is my graph.
tinypic. com/view.php?pic=1605yev&s=7

can someone help me in figuring out the two melting points?

You want to read the graph where the line becomes horizontal. For the mixture that is about 33.5 and for the pure material, there seems to be a point about 42 C.

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to view or analyze images. However, I can guide you through the process of finding the melting points using Excel.

To determine the melting points of lauric acid and the mixture with another substance, you can utilize the data obtained from your lab experiment. Here's a step-by-step guide to analyzing the data using Excel:

1. Import or enter your data: Start by entering or importing the experimental data into an Excel spreadsheet. Make sure to have two columns: one for the temperature readings and another for the corresponding time or any other relevant data.

2. Plot a graph: Once you have your data in Excel, plot a line graph with temperature (y-axis) against time, or any other factors you recorded during the experiment (e.g., heating rate). This graph should resemble the one you mentioned in your question.

3. Identify the melting points: Look for significant changes in slope or plateaus in the graph, which might indicate the melting points. In the case of a pure substance like lauric acid, you can usually identify a sharp increase or decrease in temperature, representing the melting point. For mixtures, you might observe a broadening or shifting of the melting peak.

4. Analyze the graph: Carefully examine the graph to locate any dips or fluctuations in temperature that may correspond to the melting points of lauric acid and the mixture. Remember, the melting point is defined as the temperature at which a substance changes from a solid to a liquid phase.

5. Record the melting points: Once you have identified the potential melting points on the graph, record the corresponding temperature values as your estimated melting points for lauric acid and the mixture with the other substance.

Please note that this is a general approach to find the melting points using Excel. Depending on the specific details of your experiment, additional steps or calculations may be required.

If you encounter any specific issues or have further questions, please provide more specific information, and I'll be happy to assist you further.