I have a problem with an atwood's machine problem. i have three tensions where T1 and T2 are on the left and T3 is on the right. Bottom left corner is block 2kg with T1 then another block 2kg with T2 on the left side. On the right side i have a block of 7kg with T3. I am asked to find T1 but i only know how to find T2???

any ideas maybe about a website link that might help

To solve for T1 in this Atwood's machine problem, we will need to consider the physics principles involved, specifically Newton's second law and the concept of tension. Let's go through the process step by step:

1. Draw a diagram: Start by drawing a clear diagram of the Atwood's machine setup with labeled masses and tensions.

2. Write down Newton's second law: In this case, we can apply Newton's second law to each block individually. Since there are three blocks, we will have three separate equations. These equations express the net force acting on each block and relate it to the mass and acceleration of the block.

3. Consider the motion and direction: We need to determine the direction of motion of each block. Based on the given information, it is clear that the two blocks on the left side will move upwards, while the block on the right side will move downwards.

4. For each block, write the net force equation: For the block with T1, the positive direction is upwards. So, the net force equation for this block is:
"m1 * g - T1 = m1 * a"

5. Equate the accelerations: Since the three blocks are connected and move together, their accelerations must be the same. Therefore, we can equate the accelerations in the above equations.

6. Solve for T1: Now we have two equations (one for T1 and one for T2) and two unknowns (T1 and T2). We can use these equations to solve for T1.

As for a website link, one helpful resource for this type of problem is Khan Academy. They have a variety of physics topics, including Atwood's machine, with video explanations and practice problems. You can visit their website at: https://www.khanacademy.org/science/physics.