find (-4) when f(x) = 4-2x

f(-4)=-2 Is that correct I am having a hard time with this and I know it so easy my brain is frozen...



you must be bored of me by now..haha!

did you mean "find f(-4)"? if you did, you plug in (-4) for x and you get that f(-4)=4-2(-4)=12

To find the value of f(-4) when f(x) = 4-2x, you need to substitute x = -4 into the given function.

So, let's plug in x = -4 into the function:

f(-4) = 4 - 2(-4)

Now, simplify the expression:

f(-4) = 4 + 8

f(-4) = 12

Therefore, the correct answer is f(-4) = 12, not -2.