The speed of light in a vacuum is 2.998 108 m/s. What is its speed in each of the following units

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To convert the speed of light in a vacuum to different units, you can use unit conversion factors. Here are the conversions for some commonly used units:

1. Kilometers per second (km/s):
To convert from meters per second (m/s) to kilometers per second (km/s), divide by 1,000. So the speed of light in a vacuum in km/s is:
2.998 x 10^8 m/s ÷ 1,000 = 2.998 x 10^5 km/s

2. Miles per second (mi/s):
To convert from meters per second (m/s) to miles per second (mi/s), you need to know the conversion factor between meters and miles. One mile is equal to 1,609.344 meters. So to convert, divide the speed of light in a vacuum in meters per second by 1,609.344. The speed of light in a vacuum in mi/s is approximately:
2.998 x 10^8 m/s ÷ 1,609.344 = 1.864 x 10^5 mi/s

3. Feet per second (ft/s):
To convert from meters per second (m/s) to feet per second (ft/s), you need to know the conversion factor between meters and feet. One meter is equal to 3.28084 feet. So to convert, divide the speed of light in a vacuum in meters per second by 3.28084. The speed of light in a vacuum in ft/s is approximately:
2.998 x 10^8 m/s ÷ 3.28084 = 9.108 x 10^8 ft/s

4. Mph (miles per hour):
To convert from meters per second (m/s) to miles per hour (mph), you need to know the conversion factors between meters, miles, and hours. One mile is equal to 1,609.344 meters, and one hour is equal to 3,600 seconds. So to convert, divide the speed of light in a vacuum in meters per second by 1,609.344, and then multiply by 3,600. The speed of light in a vacuum in mph is approximately:
(2.998 x 10^8 m/s ÷ 1,609.344) x 3,600 = 6.706 x 10^8 mph

By using these conversion factors, you can determine the speed of light in a vacuum in different units.