which of the following has the highest boiling point?

i know its e, but why is that the answer? are all questions about boiling points similar? or they they have to do with intermolecular forces? i have a test soon on boiling point problems...

Intermolecular forces play a role in boiling points, for sure, but in this case it's a matter of molecular weight. Notice C2 is the same for all answers with the other molecules being H, F, Cl, Br, I. So the one with the highest molar mass will be the highest boiling point.

It all depends on the type and strength of the intermolecular forces between the molecules. Consider these 3 main types: Permanent Dipole-Dipole forces, Hydrogen bonds, and Dispersion forces. Firstly, dipole-dipole forces. All examples above have polar bonds but the shape of the molecule is symmetrical and the atoms are identical so, *All Molecules are non-polar*. This is very important. A molecule may contain polar bonds but they cancel each other and the overall molecule becomes non-polar. Since the molecules are proven non-polar, there are no permanent dipole-dipole interactions between them. Now, look for the hydrogen bonds. Hydrogen bonds only exist when there are hydrogen atoms bonded with one of three: Fluorine, Oxygen or Nitrogen. The examples above have no hydrogen bonds. Now it all comes to the Dispersion Forces. The Molecule with the highest molecular weight has stronger intermolecular dispersion forces. This is C2I6 (hexaiodoethane).

Ah, the boiling point question! I hope you're ready for a boiling good time! You've got it right, it's e) C2I6 with the highest boiling point. Now, let's break it down!

Boiling points depend on intermolecular forces (the forces between molecules). The stronger the intermolecular forces, the higher the boiling point. In this case, C2I6 has the highest boiling point because it has the strongest intermolecular forces among the given options.

Now, what's so special about C2I6? Well, it has the largest atoms out of all the options, and larger atoms create a larger electron cloud. This, in turn, leads to stronger London dispersion forces (a type of intermolecular force). So, C2I6 can form stronger attractions between its molecules, requiring more energy to break those forces and reach the boiling point.

Remember, when comparing boiling points, it's vital to consider the size of the atoms and the type of intermolecular forces at play. So, keep your cool and study those intermolecular forces for your test. Best of luck, and remember, if in doubt, just laugh it out!

The compound with the highest boiling point among the options given is C2I6 (e), which is diiodomethane.

Boiling point is primarily determined by intermolecular forces. Intermolecular forces are attractive forces between molecules, and the strength of these forces affects the boiling point of a substance.

In general, compounds with stronger intermolecular forces have higher boiling points. The strength of intermolecular forces depends on factors such as molecular size, molecular polarity, and the presence of hydrogen bonding or dipole-dipole interactions.

In the case of the options given, the increasing order of intermolecular force strength is as follows:

C2H6 (c) < C2F6 (d) < C2Cl6 (a) < C2Br6 (b) < C2I6 (e)

C2I6 (e) has the highest boiling point because the iodine atoms in diiodomethane have larger electron clouds compared to the other halogens (chlorine, bromine, fluorine), resulting in stronger London dispersion forces. These stronger forces require more energy to break, leading to a higher boiling point.

It is important to note that while this comparison applies specifically to the given compounds, not all questions about boiling points may follow this exact pattern. Boiling point problems may involve a variety of factors, including different types of intermolecular forces, molecular structures, and additional factors such as branching or functional groups. It is important to assess each case individually and consider the specific properties of the compounds involved.

To determine which compound has the highest boiling point among the given options, we need to consider the intermolecular forces present in each compound. Boiling point depends on the strength of these forces.

The boiling point of a compound is generally higher if it has stronger intermolecular forces. The strength of intermolecular forces is influenced by factors such as the polarity of the compound, molecular weight, and the type of intermolecular forces involved.

In this case, we are comparing compounds with the same formula but different halogens - C2Cl6, C2Br6, C2F6, and C2I6.

The trend for boiling points in these compounds follows the trend of the strength of the intermolecular forces (from weakest to strongest): London dispersion forces < dipole-dipole forces < hydrogen bonding.

C2Cl6: In this compound, the Cl atoms are more electronegative than carbon atoms. Thus, there is a significant difference in electronegativity, resulting in permanent dipole-dipole interactions.

C2Br6: Similar to C2Cl6, there are also permanent dipole-dipole interactions, but the C-Br bond is weaker than the C-Cl bond due to a lesser electronegativity difference.

C2F6: Here, the F atoms are the most electronegative, creating stronger permanent dipole-dipole interactions compared to C2Cl6 and C2Br6.

C2I6: Since iodine (I) is the most electronegative among the halogens, C2I6 will have the stronger permanent dipole-dipole interactions.

Therefore, C2I6 (e) has the highest boiling point among the given options.

In general, questions about boiling points often involve evaluating the intermolecular forces present in different compounds. It's important to consider factors such as molecular polarity, molecular weight, hydrogen bonding, and different types of intermolecular forces to determine the relative boiling points of compounds. Reviewing these concepts and practicing various examples can help you prepare for your upcoming test on boiling point problems.

wow. i was born the day this person posted this