A vehicle uses 1 tablespoon of gasoline to drive 125 yards. How many miles can the vehicle travel per gallon? Round your answer to the nearest mile. (hint: There are 256 tablespoons in a gallon)

125Yards/T * 1mi/1760yards * 16T/Cup*4Cup/qt*4qt/gal all that should give you miles per gallon

18 mil/gal

To find out how many miles the vehicle can travel per gallon, we need to first convert the given information into a common unit.

We're given that the vehicle uses 1 tablespoon of gasoline to drive 125 yards. We'll use this information to calculate the number of tablespoons of gasoline consumed per mile, and then convert it to gallons.

1 tablespoon of gasoline = 125 yards

Now, since there are 3 feet in a yard and 5,280 feet in a mile, we can convert yards to miles:

125 yards = (125 yards) * (1 mile/1760 yards) ≈ 0.071 miles

So, the vehicle travels approximately 0.071 miles using 1 tablespoon of gasoline.

Now, we need to convert this value to gallons. We're told that there are 256 tablespoons in a gallon.

To find out how many tablespoons are in a mile, we can set up a ratio:

1 tablespoon / 0.071 miles = 256 tablespoons / x miles

Cross-multiplying, we get:

x miles = (0.071 miles * 256 tablespoons) / 1 tablespoon
x miles = 18.176 miles

Therefore, the vehicle can travel approximately 18.176 miles per gallon.

Rounding the answer to the nearest mile, the vehicle can travel approximately 18 miles per gallon.