three parachutist have reached terminal velocity at the same distance above the ground below. One at 50kg anoher at 40 kg an 75kg from fastest to slowest what is there total terminal velocities.Then from longest to shortest time rank their order in reaching the ground.

it gives terminal velocity

To calculate the terminal velocity of each parachutist, we need to know the drag coefficient and the surface area of their bodies. Given that this information is not provided in the question, we cannot determine the terminal velocities directly. However, we can explain the concept of terminal velocity and how it is influenced by weight and air resistance.

Terminal velocity is the constant maximum velocity reached by an object falling through the atmosphere when the force of gravity pulling it downwards is balanced by the force of air resistance pushing it upwards. When an object initially falls, it accelerates due to gravity. However, over time, as it gains speed, the force of air resistance increases and eventually counteracts the force of gravity, causing the object to reach a constant velocity.

In general, the terminal velocity of an object is proportional to its weight. Heavier objects experience a greater gravitational force, and thus require more air resistance to balance the forces. Therefore, the heavier parachutist with 75 kg is likely to have the highest terminal velocity, followed by the one with 50 kg, and then the one with 40 kg.

As for the time it takes for each parachutist to reach the ground, assuming they are at the same altitude and are subject to similar atmospheric conditions, the one with the highest terminal velocity will reach the ground first, followed by the one with the next highest terminal velocity, and so on. Therefore, the order from longest to shortest time to reach the ground would be: 75 kg parachutist, 50 kg parachutist, and 40 kg parachutist.

This is a question that can't be answered with the given information. Whilst the masses of the three women are nice, the longest and shortest times depends on each's velocity, not given.