if a ballon gets launched at 60mi/hr at an angle of 38 degrees. How far will it travel in meters?

A ball or a balloon?

Balloons are not launched at a high speed, and have appreciable aerodynamic drag and buoyancy.

You probably mean "ball"

60 mph is 88 ft/s or 26.8 m/s

An object launched at A degrees and velocity V travels
(2V^2/g) * sinAcosA

That formula will give you the answer in meters if you use V = 26.8 m/s, a = 38 degrees and g = 9.8 m/s^2

you go to bellaire? like amg

I go to bellaire and i must LOL at the fact that I google the question and came here !

thanks that really helped me !


Cardinal Pride!

I Like Men

To calculate the distance traveled by the balloon, we need to break down its initial velocity into horizontal and vertical components. The horizontal component represents the distance traveled in the x-direction, while the vertical component represents the distance traveled in the y-direction.

Initial velocity of the balloon (v) = 60 mi/hr
Launch angle (θ) = 38 degrees

First, we need to convert the initial velocity from miles per hour to meters per second since the final unit is in meters.

1 mile = 1609.34 meters
1 hour = 3600 seconds

Converting miles per hour to meters per second:
60 mi/hr * (1609.34 m/mi) / (3600 s/hr) ≈ 26.8224 m/s

Now, using trigonometry, we can calculate the horizontal and vertical components.

Horizontal component (vx):
vx = v * cos(θ) where θ is the launch angle in radians.

Convert the launch angle from degrees to radians:

θ (in radians) = θ (in degrees) * π / 180

θ (in radians) = 38 * π / 180 ≈ 0.6632 radians

vx = 26.8224 m/s * cos(0.6632) ≈ 13.3111 m/s

Vertical component (vy):
vy = v * sin(θ)

vy = 26.8224 m/s * sin(0.6632) ≈ 19.4059 m/s

Next, we need to calculate the time of flight (t) of the balloon. Since we already have the vertical component, we can use it to find the time taken to reach the maximum height, assuming no air resistance.

Using the equation of motion:
vy = uy + (ay * t)

Here, uy (initial vertical velocity) is 0 m/s since the balloon starts at the ground, and ay (vertical acceleration) is equal to the acceleration due to gravity which is approximately -9.8 m/s^2 (negative sign indicates opposite direction).

19.4059 m/s = 0 m/s + (-9.8 m/s^2) * t

Solving for t:
t ≈ 1.9833 seconds

Since the time of flight is the total duration of the balloon's motion (both upward and downward), the time taken to reach the maximum height is half of the time of flight. Therefore, the time taken to reach maximum height (t/2) is approximately 0.9916 seconds (1.9833 seconds / 2).

Now, we can calculate the horizontal distance traveled (dx):

dx = vx * t

dx = 13.3111 m/s * 0.9916 s ≈ 13.1943 meters

Therefore, the balloon will travel approximately 13.1943 meters.