Compare bureaucratic and administrative management.

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Bureaucratic management and administrative management are two theories of management that have emerged over time. While they share some similarities, they also have distinct differences. To understand these theories, let's first explain how to define and compare them:

1. Bureaucratic Management:
- Developed by Max Weber, a sociologist and scholar in the early 20th century, bureaucratic management emphasizes a hierarchical structure, clear roles and responsibilities, and strict adherence to rules and procedures.
- To compare bureaucratic management, one may look into Weber's principles and characteristics of a bureaucratic organization, which include:
- Clearly defined hierarchy and chain of command.
- Division of labor based on specialized roles and tasks.
- Formal rules and procedures that everyone must follow.
- Impersonal and objective decision-making.
- Appointment and promotion based on merit and qualifications.
- Bureaucratic management focuses on achieving organizational efficiency, predictability, and control through formalized structures and processes. It aims to eliminate personal bias and favoritism.

2. Administrative Management:
- Developed by Henri Fayol, a French engineer and management theorist in the early 20th century, administrative management focuses on the overall organization, coordination, and planning of work activities.
- To compare administrative management, one can examine Fayol's principles of management, which include:
- Unity of command (each employee should only report to one manager).
- Division of work and specialization.
- Centralization (authority and decision-making should be concentrated at the top).
- Scalar chain (clear line of communication and authority from top to bottom).
- Order and discipline.
- Administrative management focuses on achieving organizational effectiveness and enhancing productivity through effective planning, organizing, coordinating, and controlling.

In summary, while bureaucratic management and administrative management share some common elements such as hierarchy and division of labor, the key difference lies in their focus. Bureaucratic management emphasizes control, efficiency, and adherence to rules, while administrative management focuses on planning, organizing, and coordination to achieve overall organizational effectiveness.