Devil in the White City Chicago World's Fair benefits and downfalls...

I need to write an essay on The Devil in the White City. I read the book and
i have a pretty firm grasp on it, but im still having trouble finding events and ideas that occur that happen in the Gilded Age and ESPECIALLY in Chicago during the World's Fair that would become a downfall had Chicago won the bid to host the 2016 Summer Olympics.

Aside from the GREAT chance another Holmes might be on the loose, I don't really have that much material.

To gather more material for your essay on "The Devil in the White City" and its connection to the Gilded Age and the potential drawbacks of hosting the 2016 Summer Olympics in Chicago, you can consider the following:

1. Political Corruption: The Gilded Age was marked by rampant political corruption, and Chicago was no exception. Research instances of political corruption in Chicago during that time period and explore how hosting the Olympics might have exacerbated those issues.

2. Labor Unrest: The late 19th century was a time of significant labor unrest, with workers demanding better conditions, fair wages, and workers' rights. Look into labor strikes or movements happening in Chicago during the Gilded Age and discuss how hosting the Olympics could have affected these issues.

3. Economic Impact: While the World's Fair brought economic benefits to Chicago, such as increased tourism and investment, it is worth considering the long-term economic impact of hosting the Olympics. Explore potential drawbacks such as the costs of infrastructure development, the displacement of local communities, and the potential for debt or financial strain on the city.

4. Social Inequality: The Gilded Age was characterized by extreme social inequality, with a small elite class enjoying immense wealth while many lived in poverty. Investigate the social conditions in Chicago during that time, including slums, tenements, and overcrowded living conditions. Discuss how hosting the Olympics might have further widened the gap between the rich and the poor.

5. Racial Discrimination: Research race relations in Chicago during the Gilded Age, particularly the discrimination faced by African Americans and other minority groups. Examine how hosting the Olympics might have perpetuated or brought attention to racial inequalities in the city.

Remember to use evidence and examples from the book "The Devil in the White City" to support your arguments. Additionally, explore primary sources, historical newspapers, and other relevant materials to further enrich your understanding of the events and ideas from that time period.