I know the answer is 4 but I don't know how to get to it. I guess I need step by step help on how to solve this. I've run out of ideas.

3[5-3(y-4)]=2y+7 ...sigh

expand the parenthesis.

add 9y to each side, then subtract 7 from each side.

got it! thank you thank you thank you.

No worries, I'll be happy to help you solve the equation step by step.

Let's start by simplifying both sides of the equation.

Step 1: Distribute the 3 on the left side:
3 * 5 - 3 * (y-4) = 2y + 7
15 - 3(y-4) = 2y + 7

Step 2: Simplify the expression inside the parentheses by distributing the -3:
15 - 3y + 12 = 2y + 7
27 - 3y = 2y + 7

Step 3: Move all the terms with variables to one side and the constants to the other side:
27 - 7 = 2y + 3y
20 = 5y

Step 4: Divide both sides by 5 to isolate the variable y:
20/5 = 5y/5
4 = y

And there you have it! The solution to the equation is y = 4.