How do you write 67,000 in expanded form?

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To write 67,000 in expanded form, break down the number by its place value:

67,000 can be broken down as:
6 x 10,000 (sixty thousand)
7 x 1,000 (seven thousand)
0 x 100 (zero hundreds)
0 x 10 (zero tens)
0 x 1 (zero ones)

So, the expanded form of 67,000 is 60,000 + 7,000 + 0 + 0 + 0.

To write 67,000 in expanded form, we need to break down the number based on its place value. Let's take a look at each digit and its corresponding place value:


- The 6 is in the ten-thousands place, which means it represents 6 × 10,000.
- The 7 is in the thousands place, which means it represents 7 × 1,000.
- The 0s after the 7 don't contribute to the value. They only signify the absence of digits in the hundreds, tens, and ones places.

Putting it all together, we can write 67,000 in expanded form as:

6 × 10,000 + 7 × 1,000.

So, in expanded form, 67,000 is equal to 60,000 + 7,000.