The null hypothesis is:

a. Always contains a > in the equation
b. Not needed
c. The alternative hypothesis
d. The hypothesis of no difference
e. Always contain a < in the equation

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However, I will give you this one — D.

The correct answer is d. The null hypothesis represents the hypothesis of no difference or no effect. It is a statement that assumes there is no relationship or difference between two variables being tested or compared. In statistical testing, the null hypothesis is typically denoted as H0.

To determine the null hypothesis, follow these steps:

1. Identify the research question or problem you are investigating.
2. Determine the variables involved in your study.
3. Clearly define the null hypothesis in terms of the absence of a relationship or difference between the variables.
4. Formulate the null hypothesis as a declarative statement.

It is important to note that the null hypothesis is the default assumption, and it is typically tested against an alternative hypothesis (option c). The alternative hypothesis represents the possibility of a relationship or difference between the variables.

So, in summary, the null hypothesis (option d) is the hypothesis of no difference or no effect, and it is an integral part of hypothesis testing in statistics.