Please help me with this if you don't mind

Web page
my home whole document with 2 links
first page with 1 link
selection with 1 link

world travel framed page as shown with 1 link
each frame separately with 3 links
prices and packages - a single frame with 1 link

Thank you very much for your help :)

We don't do the work for you. Is there anything specific that we can HELP you with?

yes it is because i don't know what those things are that's why im asking for your help

Do you need help on HTML?

Have you already taken on HTML or CSS?
The context is important to figure out what kind of help you need. Also, typing out the whole question will help.
Please post additional information to better help you.

yes i do mathmate and that is the whole question

You're welcome! I'd be happy to help you with your web page. Based on the information you provided, it seems like you have a web page that consists of different sections and frames with various links. Let's break it down:

1. Home Page:
- This is the main page of your website and includes the entire document.
- It has two links, but you didn't specify what these links are. You can add links by using the HTML `<a>` tag.

2. First Page:
- This is a separate page linked from the home page.
- It has one link, but again, you didn't mention where that link leads. So, you can specify the destination by using the `<a>` tag.

3. Selection:
- This is another separate page linked from the home page.
- It also has one link, but its destination is not provided.
- You can add the link using the `<a>` tag.

4. World Travel Framed Page:
- This section presents a framed page, which means that it is divided into different sections with separate contents.
- It includes one link, but no information is given about where that link goes.
- You can add the link using the `<a>` tag.

5. Each Frame Separately:
- This section refers to each individual frame within the framed page mentioned above.
- Each frame has three links, but we don't know what those links point to.
- You can include these links within each frame using the `<a>` tag.

6. Prices and Packages:
- This is a single frame within the framed page.
- It has one link, but its destination is unspecified.
- You can add the link using the `<a>` tag.

To create these links, you'll need to know the destination URLs. Once you have those, you can use the HTML `<a>` tag to create clickable links. Here's an example of how to add a link:

<a href="">Link Text</a>

Replace `""` with the actual URL you want the link to go to, and "Link Text" with the text you want to display as the clickable link.

Remember to add these HTML code snippets to the appropriate sections of your web page to create the desired links. I hope this explanation helps you set up your web page! If you have any more specific questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask.