Okay, write the expression or inequality.

: the difference of a number z and 11 is equal to 35
How would I do that? please explain in great detail

z - 11 = 35

Thanks Ms. Sue!

You're welcome.

To write the expression or inequality that represents the given statement, we will break down the problem into smaller parts and use mathematical symbols to represent each part.

Step 1: Identify the numbers and variables:
The given statement talks about a number, "z". So, "z" will be our variable.

Step 2: Determine the difference between "z" and 11:
The difference between two numbers is found by subtracting one number from the other. In this case, we want to find the difference of "z" and 11. To do that, we subtract 11 from "z". So, our first part of the expression is "(z - 11)".

Step 3: Determine the rest of the statement:
The given statement says that the difference of "z" and 11 is equal to 35. The word "is" indicates equality, and "equal to" indicates that the two sides of the equation are the same. So, the second part of our expression is "=" (equal sign).

Step 4: Combine the parts:
Putting it all together, the complete expression becomes:
(z - 11) = 35

Therefore, the expression that represents the given statement is "(z - 11) = 35".