What are the positive and negative influences of the media on adolescents?

Wouldn't that depend on what one viewed as positive and negative? I saw a window sticker on a pickup truck today..."I don't believe anything the liberal media says", along with many religious slogans. I suspect his view of positive and negative would be at variance with many.

So, my point is, viewing media through rose tinted glasses causes a rose colored outlook, and certainly reflects one's own view of positive and negative.

I would think that a negative influence could be that it can affect their body image, self esteem etc

The media has both positive and negative influences on adolescents. Let's break it down:

Positive influences:
1. Information and knowledge: Media platforms provide access to a wide range of information, news, and educational content. This can help adolescents stay informed about current events, explore new interests, and expand their knowledge on various topics.
2. Promoting diversity and inclusion: Media can showcase diverse perspectives, cultures, and lifestyles, helping adolescents develop a broader understanding and acceptance of different people and communities.
3. Inspiring creativity: Media, such as movies, music, and art, can inspire adolescents to explore their own creativity, try new things, and express themselves.

Negative influences:
1. Unrealistic body image and beauty standards: Media often promotes unrealistic body ideals, leading to body dissatisfaction and negatively impacting adolescents' self-esteem and body image.
2. Exposure to violence and inappropriate content: Some media content may contain graphic or violent scenes, explicit language, or adult themes, which can desensitize adolescents and potentially impact their behavior or emotional well-being.
3. Misinformation and manipulation: The spread of fake news, misleading information, and targeted advertising can mislead adolescents and distort their understanding of the world, leading to confusion or reinforcement of negative biases.

How to analyze media influences on adolescents:
1. Critical thinking: Encourage adolescents to critically analyze media messages, question sources, fact-check, and not take everything at face value.
2. Parental guidance: Parents play a crucial role in discussing media content with their children, teaching them to evaluate its merits, and setting limits on exposure to inappropriate material.
3. Media literacy education: Schools can provide media literacy education that empowers adolescents to analyze, question, and interpret media content independently.

Remember, this is a general summary, and individual experiences with media influence may vary.