What properties differ between the elements in the akali metals and the elements in the akaline earth metals?

The akali metals have a charge of 1+, and the akaline earth metals have a charge of 2+.

To understand the differences between the elements in the alkali metals (Group 1) and the elements in the alkaline earth metals (Group 2), it is important to consider their atomic structures and properties.

1. Electron Configuration: Alkali metals contain one valence electron, which is the electron in the outermost shell. This electron can be easily lost during chemical reactions, leading to the formation of a 1+ charge on the resulting ion. In contrast, alkaline earth metals have two valence electrons, which can be lost to form a 2+ charged ion.

2. Reactivity: Alkali metals are extremely reactive and readily undergo reactions with other elements, such as oxygen and water. This reactivity is due to the low ionization energy and the ease with which they can donate their valence electron. On the other hand, alkaline earth metals are also reactive but less so than alkali metals. They generally require more energy to lose their two valence electrons compared to alkali metals.

3. Melting and Boiling Points: Alkali metals have relatively low melting and boiling points compared to alkaline earth metals. This is primarily because the metallic bonding in alkali metals is weaker due to the presence of only one valence electron, making it easier for the atoms to overcome the intermolecular forces and transition between solid and liquid states.

4. Density: Alkaline earth metals have higher densities compared to alkali metals. This is because they have an additional electron, resulting in a stronger electrostatic attraction between the positive nucleus and the negatively charged electrons, leading to a denser arrangement of atoms.

It is important to note that the properties described above are general trends and may not hold true for each individual alkali metal or alkaline earth metal. To obtain specific information about each element's properties, it is necessary to refer to a periodic table or chemical reference material.