By the age of ___,a child's perceptual map for phonetic discrimination is A. one month B. six months C. one year D. five years

What do you think?

Six months

I think you're right.

I brought a six-month-old child from his native Vietnam to the U.S. Although he didn't appear to recognize words in either language, he responded immediately to people speaking with an Asian accent.

what are the goals set for low-functioning children with autism

To determine the answer to this question, we need to know at what age a child's perceptual map for phonetic discrimination fully develops. Acquiring phonetic discrimination skills is a process that occurs gradually over time. Here is how you can find the answer:

1. Start by understanding what phonetic discrimination is. Phonetic discrimination refers to a child's ability to distinguish between different sounds in language.

2. Research or consult child development resources to learn about the general timeline of phonetic discrimination development. These resources can include books, research papers, reputable websites, or even professional publications in the field of child development.

3. Look specifically for information on when a child's perceptual map for phonetic discrimination fully develops. This is the stage when a child's ability to distinguish between different phonetic sounds is well-developed and adult-like.

4. Once you have gathered the information from these resources, you can compare it with the provided options in the question.

By following these steps, you should be able to determine the correct answer. Remember, the development of phonetic discrimination may vary slightly from child to child, so the answer may not be an exact age but rather a range.