Thank you very, very much for your corrections.

Here are the last sentences for you to check.
1) What does Portia take from Antonio?
2) What does Graziano try to convince Nerissa of? He tries to convince Nerissa that he gave the ring to a clerk.
3) What did Portia ask Bassanio for as a sign of their friendship?
4)What trick do Portia and Nerissa decide to play on their husbands?
They decide to ask their husbands why they no longer have their wedding rings. They will pretend not to believe their explanation, instead (?) accusing them of having lovers in Venice.
5) They'll pretend their husbands have got lovers in Venice though they know their husbands gave the rings to them disguised as men (????)How can I express this?
6)How do Portia and Nerissa explain the fact that they have the rings again?
7) What does Portia give Bassanio to help explain th truth of the situation?
8) She gavehim an official document in which she appeared as a judge and Nerissa as a clerk.
9) What news is there for Lorenzo and Jessica? Shylock has signed a document which will make them rich.
10) Type your homework into your computer, print it and give (hand) i to me the following time. It'll be much easier for me to check it.
11) When I miss classes, I find it difficult to catch up with my classmates.
12)As I failed French in June, I spent my summer holiday(s) studying French for my make-up exam.
13) I went to Rome in summer OR for my summer holidays. Can you say; I went On holiday/during my holiday to Rome.

Sure! Here are the corrections and explanations for the sentences:

1) What does Portia take from Antonio?
- The answer can be found by reading or analyzing the relevant part of the text, such as the dialogues or descriptions, where Portia interacts with Antonio. Look for any actions or exchanges between the two characters that involve Portia taking something from Antonio.

2) What does Graziano try to convince Nerissa of? He tries to convince Nerissa that he gave the ring to a clerk.
- To find the answer, pay attention to the interactions between Graziano and Nerissa in the text. Look for any dialogues or conversations where Graziano tries to convince Nerissa of something related to the ring. Double-check the context and make sure it aligns with the story.

3) What did Portia ask Bassanio for as a sign of their friendship?
- To find the answer to this question, go back to the part of the text where Portia asks Bassanio for something that represents their friendship. Look for Portia's dialogue or actions that indicate her request and Bassanio's response.

4) What trick do Portia and Nerissa decide to play on their husbands?
- The explanation already provided seems accurate. Portia and Nerissa plan to ask their husbands why they no longer have their wedding rings and pretend to not believe their explanation, instead accusing them of having lovers in Venice.

5) They'll pretend their husbands have got lovers in Venice though they know their husbands gave the rings to them disguised as men (????) How can I express this?
- To express this more clearly, you can rephrase it as: "They will act as if their husbands have secret lovers in Venice, even though they are aware that their husbands actually gave them the rings disguised as men."

6) How do Portia and Nerissa explain the fact that they have the rings again?
- To find the answer, refer to the specific part of the text where Portia and Nerissa explain how they acquired the rings again. Look for dialogue or descriptions that reveal their explanation.

7) What does Portia give Bassanio to help explain the truth of the situation?
- To answer this question, look for the specific item or evidence that Portia provides to Bassanio. Find the relevant part in the text where Portia gives something to Bassanio that helps in explaining the truth.

8) She gave him an official document in which she appeared as a judge and Nerissa as a clerk.
- This sentence seems to be a statement or response rather than a question. It explains that Portia gave Bassanio an official document, where she appeared as a judge and Nerissa as a clerk. Double-check the context to ensure accuracy.

9) What news is there for Lorenzo and Jessica?
- To answer this question, find the part of the text where news related to Lorenzo and Jessica is mentioned. Look for dialogues or descriptions that discuss a significant event or development concerning these characters.

10) Type your homework into your computer, print it, and hand it to me the following time. It'll be much easier for me to check.
- This sentence does not contain any errors; it is a clear instruction or request.

11) When I miss classes, I find it difficult to catch up with my classmates.
- This sentence does not contain any errors; it is a correct statement.

12) As I failed French in June, I spent my summer holiday studying French for my makeup exam.
- This sentence does not contain any errors; it is a correct statement. If you want to be more specific, you can use "summer holidays" instead of "summer holiday."

13) I went to Rome in the summer for my summer holidays. Can you say, "I went On holiday/during my holiday to Rome"?
- This sentence does not contain any errors; it is a correct statement. The alternative phrase you mentioned, "I went on holiday/during my holiday to Rome," is also a valid way to express the same idea.