write each addition vertically.decide which new groups you will make.then,add to see if you were correct.


a new ten?____________
a new hundred?_________
a new thousand?____________

need answers and please explain

Sure, let's add 256 and 1273 vertically:

2 5 6
+ 1 2 7 3
1 5 2 9

Now, let's analyze the new groups we made:

1. New ten: In the ones place, 6 plus 3 equals 9, which is greater than 10. Therefore, we have a new ten, and we carry over the 1 to the tens place.

2 5 6
+ 1 2 7 3
13 5 2 9

2. New hundred: In the tens place, we have 5 plus 7 plus the carried-over 1, which totals 13. Since 13 is greater than 100, we have a new hundred, and we carry over the 1 to the hundreds place.

2 5 6
+ 1 2 7 3
1 3 5 2 9

3. New thousand: In the hundreds place, we have 2 plus 2 (from the carried-over 1), making a total of 3. Since 3 is not greater than 1,000, we don't have a new thousand.

Therefore, the final sum is 1,3529.

To add 256 and 1273 vertically, we start by adding the rightmost digits, which are 6 and 3. This gives us 9:

2 5 6
+ 1 2 7 3

Next, we move to the next column and add the digits, which are 5 and 7 (from the tens place). This gives us 12. Since 12 is larger than 9, we need to carry the 1 over to the left:

2 5 6
+ 1 2 7 3
4 9

Now, we add the next column, which contains the hundreds place. The digits to be added are 2 and 2, along with the carryover of 1. This gives us 5:

2 5 6
+ 1 2 7 3
4 9 5

Finally, we add the thousands place digits, which are 1 and 1 (along with the carryover of 1). This gives us 3:

2 5 6
+ 1 2 7 3
3 4 9 5

So, the final sum of 256 + 1273 is 3495.

New groups formed in this addition:
- A new ten was formed when we added 6 and 3, resulting in 9.
- A new hundred was formed when we added 5 and 7, resulting in 12 (which we carried over).
- A new thousand was formed when we added 2 and 2, resulting in 5 (which we carried over).

To write each addition vertically, start by aligning the digits according to their place values. For the given addition problem, 256 + 1273, it should be written like this:


Next, add the rightmost digits, which are 6 and 3. Their sum is 9, so you write 9 under the line:


The next digits to add are in the tens place, which are 5 and 7. Their sum is 12. Since we are writing each digit vertically, you can only write the units digit (2) below the line, and carry the tens digit (1) to the next column:


Now, move to the next column, which is the hundreds place. The digits to add are 2 (from 2 hundreds) and 2 (from the carried tens digit). Their sum is 4, so you write 4 below the line:


Finally, move to the leftmost column, which represents thousands. There is a 1 in this column, indicating an additional 1 thousand. Write down the 1 below the line:


To check if your answer is correct, simply add the numbers together horizontally:


The sum (1529) matches the result obtained from the vertical addition (1492). Therefore, the addition is correct.

Based on the vertical addition, the answer is:
256 + 1273 = 1492

As for the new groups, let's analyze the digits:

- There is no need for a new ten because the sum of the units digits (6 and 3) is less than 10.
- There is no need for a new hundred either since the sum of the tens digits (5 and 7) is less than 10.
- However, there is a need for a new thousand because the sum of the hundreds digits (2 and 2) is greater than 10, resulting in an additional 1 thousand.

So, to summarize:

- No new ten.
- No new hundred.
- 1 new thousand.