I am in a verse chior group for oral language and I need an oral language peice that is up to 8th grade reading level. Any ideas?

try a poem, maybe a short lewis carol piece

Look at "Ex Basketball Player" by John Updike, "Jabberwockey" by Lewis Carroll, "Ballad of Birmingham" by Dudley Randall, "Famous" by Naomi Nye, "Pushing" by Christopher Gilbert

Here is a fun script for Halloween.


Certainly! When looking for an oral language piece for an 8th-grade reading level, there are a few steps you can follow to find suitable options:

1. Start by determining the purpose or theme of the oral language piece. Is it meant to entertain, persuade, inform, or educate? Knowing the purpose will help narrow down your search.

2. Consider the interests and preferences of your verse choir group. Are they interested in poetry, speeches, short stories, or excerpts from novels? Knowing their preferences will make the selection more engaging for the performers and the audience.

3. Utilize online resources and databases specifically designed for finding age-appropriate literature. Some good starting points include:
- Scholastic's Book Wizard (www.scholastic.com/bookwizard)
- CommonLit (www.commonlit.org)
- ReadWorks (www.readworks.org)

4. Use the search filters on these platforms to choose the appropriate reading level, genres, and themes for an 8th-grade audience. This will help you identify suitable options quickly.

5. Read through a few potential choices to get an understanding of the content and gauge the overall difficulty level. Look for pieces that have clear, concise language, interesting themes, and compelling storytelling. Avoid pieces that may be too complex or contain inappropriate content.

6. Consider the length of the piece. Aim for a length that allows everyone in the verse choir group to have a fair share of participation while keeping the overall performance time reasonable.

7. Once you have narrowed down your choices to a few pieces, share them with the verse choir group for their input and discussion. It's essential to involve everyone in the decision-making process to ensure everyone is comfortable with the final selection.

Remember, it's crucial to consider the individual abilities and comfort levels of your verse choir group members when selecting an oral language piece. By following these steps, you should be able to find a suitable piece that meets your requirements and engages your audience effectively.