making the decision to have a child is momentous. it is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body.

pls i was asked to write a one page reflection, but i don't know what to write or how to start.
pls help me

First, think about the meaning of this statement.

Parents' lives are forever affected by their children. In infancy, they are totally dependent upon their parents. They demand a lot of attention, love, and care.

What are parental roles in toddlers and school-age children?

Grown children aren't usually dependent upon parents -- yet they are still very much in their parents' hearts. Divorces, money problems, grandchildren all grab our hearts, and sometimes our monetary and physical support.

Of course, I can help you get started on your reflection! Writing about the decision to have a child can be a deeply personal and emotional experience. Here are a few steps to guide you in writing your reflection:

1. Understand the Purpose: Begin by understanding the purpose of your reflection. Are you expected to discuss the pros and cons of the decision, reflect on your own experiences, or explore the emotional aspects? Knowing the purpose will help you frame your reflection appropriately.

2. Brainstorming: Take a few moments to brainstorm ideas related to the decision to have a child. Think about your feelings, experiences, concerns, and insights. Jot down any significant moments, challenges, or changes that came along with this decision.

3. Personal Experiences: Reflect on how the decision to have a child affected you personally. Consider the changes you experienced physically, emotionally, and mentally. Did it alter your perspective on life, relationships, or personal goals? Share any significant experiences or milestones you went through during this journey.

4. External Factors: Explore the external factors that influenced your decision. Did societal expectations, cultural beliefs, or personal values play a role in shaping your choice? Discuss how these factors impacted your decision-making process and the subsequent experiences.

5. Emotional Rollercoaster: Write about the emotional aspects of becoming a parent. Describe the joy, excitement, and fulfillment you experienced, as well as the moments of doubt, fear, and uncertainty. How did these emotions fluctuate both before and after the child's arrival?

6. Impact on Relationships: Consider the impact of this decision on your relationships. How did it affect your relationship with your partner, family, and friends? Reflect on any challenges or new dynamics that arose as a result of expanding your family.

7. Lessons Learned: Summarize the key lessons you have learned from the decision to have a child. What insights have you gained about yourself, love, resilience, or sacrifice? Reflect on the growth and personal development this decision has brought into your life.

Remember, your reflection should be honest, personal, and showcase your unique perspective. Use details, anecdotes, and descriptive language to paint a vivid picture for the reader. Begin with an engaging introduction such as a relevant quote, anecdote, or personal story to draw the reader's attention. End your reflection with a thoughtful conclusion that summarizes your main points and leaves a lasting impression.

Now that you have an organized structure, you can begin writing your one-page reflection. Good luck!