A block of metal has a width of 3.2cm, a length of 17.1 cm, and height of 5.2 cm. Its mass is 1.1 kg. Calculate the density of the metal

find the volume by multiply width, length, and height

formula of density=mass/volume=cm^3/kg


To calculate the density of the metal, we need to use the formula:

Density = Mass / Volume

First, let's calculate the volume of the metal block.

Volume = Width x Length x Height

Width = 3.2 cm
Length = 17.1 cm
Height = 5.2 cm

Substituting the given values into the formula:
Volume = 3.2 cm x 17.1 cm x 5.2 cm

Calculate the volume:
Volume = 279.936 cm³

Now, we have the mass (1.1 kg) and the volume (279.936 cm³). We can calculate the density:

Density = Mass / Volume

Substituting the given values:
Density = 1.1 kg / 279.936 cm³

Calculate the density:
Density ≈ 0.00393 kg/cm³

Therefore, the density of the metal is approximately 0.00393 kg/cm³.

To calculate the density of the metal, you need to know the formula for density:

Density (ρ) = mass (m) / volume (V)

The mass of the metal is given as 1.1 kg. In order to calculate the volume, you need to know the dimensions of the metal block - its width, length, and height.

The volume (V) of a rectangular block can be calculated using the formula:

Volume (V) = width (w) x length (l) x height (h)

In this case, the width (w) is given as 3.2 cm, the length (l) is given as 17.1 cm, and the height (h) is given as 5.2 cm.

Now, you can substitute the given values into the formulas to calculate the density:

Volume (V) = 3.2 cm x 17.1 cm x 5.2 cm

Multiply the dimensions together to find the volume:

V = 279.552 cm³

Now, substitute the calculated volume and the given mass into the density formula:

Density (ρ) = 1.1 kg / 279.552 cm³

Simplify the calculation:

ρ = 0.003938 kg/cm³

The density of the metal is approximately 0.003938 kg/cm³.