does anyone know a few similarities and differences between the NBPTS standards and Danielsons framework for teaching? I'm going to be doing a graphic organizer comparing and contrasting the two. thanks.

Try these sites.

i researched those prior to posting along with many others and they didn't help but thank you for trying to help

To find the similarities and differences between the NBPTS (National Board for Professional Teaching Standards) standards and Danielson's Framework for Teaching, you can start by searching for information on each of them individually.

Here's a step-by-step guide to help you gather information and create a graphic organizer comparing and contrasting the two:

1. Search for the NBPTS standards: Visit the official NBPTS website or search for "NBPTS standards" in a reliable search engine. This will provide you with the official standards set by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

2. Gather information on the NBPTS standards: Explore the official documentation, such as handbooks or guides, that detail the NBPTS standards. Take note of the key components, domains, or dimensions they cover.

3. Search for Danielson's Framework for Teaching: Similarly, search for "Danielson's Framework for Teaching" in a reliable search engine. Look for official websites or reputable educational sources that provide information on the framework.

4. Gather information on Danielson's Framework: Explore the resources that discuss Danielson's framework. It is often categorized into four domains, so take note of the key components, domains, or dimensions covered in this framework.

5. Identify similarities: Now that you have information on both the NBPTS standards and Danielson's Framework for Teaching, compare the key components, domains, or dimensions of each. Look for similarities and note them down in your graphic organizer. For example, both may emphasize effective instructional practices or the assessment of student learning.

6. Identify differences: Next, identify the differences between the NBPTS standards and Danielson's Framework. Note any variations in domains or specific components that may differentiate the two. For example, one may focus more on teacher reflection, while the other may emphasize student engagement.

7. Structure your graphic organizer: Create a graphic organizer, such as a Venn diagram or a table, to compare and contrast the similarities and differences you have identified. Use the information you gathered during your research to fill in the relevant sections.

Remember to cite your sources properly when referring to specific information found during your research. This will help ensure academic integrity and provide a scholarly basis for your graphic organizer.