I am trying to locate either the name of the school or school district (i.e. City or County) that first required public schools to teach both male and female students. I know that in 1789 Massachusetts was the first state to make this requirement but I have not been able to find anything that states the name of the first school or school district that did so. Can you tell me where to find this information?

My very hazy understanding was that early primary schools taught both boys and girls.

You may get some leads in these articles.



To find information about the specific school or school district that first required public schools to teach both male and female students, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a targeted search on educational databases, academic journals, and historical archives. Useful sources may include:

- JSTOR: A digital library that provides access to academic journals, books, and primary sources.
- ERIC (Education Resources Information Center): An online database containing education-related articles, reports, and other resources.
- Historical archives: Check for any available archives or collections related to the history of education in Massachusetts or your specific area of interest.

2. Use relevant keywords in your search, such as "first public school to teach both male and female students," "historic Massachusetts school," or "historic school district Massachusetts."

3. Check local historical societies, libraries, or museums in Massachusetts. These institutions often keep records and resources related to the history of education in their respective regions.

4. Consult books or publications focused on the history of education in Massachusetts or the specific time period you are interested in. In the preface or introduction, authors often outline their research methodology and identify the sources used.

5. Contact experts in the field of educational history, such as historians, professors, or researchers specializing in the history of education in Massachusetts. They may be able to provide further guidance or direct you to relevant sources.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find, considering their credibility, relevance, and potential biases. It's also possible that the specific information you are looking for may not be widely documented, but by following these steps, you increase your chances of finding relevant information related to the first school or district to require public schools to teach both male and female students.