2x cubed minus x squared minus 6x plus 3. I know the answer is (2x-1)(x squared-3). Please help me with how they got that answer. Thank you!

2x^3 -x^2-6x+3

x^2(2x-1) -3(2x-1)


To factor the given polynomial expression, we can apply a method known as factoring by grouping:

Step 1: Group the terms in pairs:
(2x³ - x²) - (6x - 3)

Step 2: Factor out the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) from each group:
x²(2x - 1) - 3(2x - 1)

The factor (2x - 1) appears in both terms.

Step 3: Now, factor out the common factor (2x - 1) from both terms:
(2x - 1)(x² - 3)

Therefore, the factored form of the given expression 2x³ - x² - 6x + 3 is (2x - 1)(x² - 3).