I really need help finding spanish adjectives starting with the letters "j" and "n" to describe other people.

To find Spanish adjectives starting with the letters "j" and "n" to describe other people, you can follow these steps:

1. Use online resources or dictionaries: Access online resources such as Spanish adjective dictionaries or websites that provide lists of adjectives. Some popular options include wordreference.com or spanishdict.com.
2. Search for adjectives starting with "j": Look for adjectives starting with the letter "j" specifically. You can use the search function on the website or navigate to the section that lists adjectives starting with "j." Examples of Spanish adjectives starting with "j" used to describe people include "joven" (young), "justo" (fair), "jocoso" (funny), and "juicioso" (judicious/diligent).
3. Search for adjectives starting with "n": Repeat the step above but this time search for adjectives beginning with the letter "n." Examples of Spanish adjectives starting with "n" used to describe people include "noble" (noble), "nervioso" (nervous), "normal" (normal), and "nuevo" (new).

Remember that these are just a few examples, and there are many Spanish adjectives that start with "j" and "n" to describe people. Using online resources will provide you with comprehensive lists to choose from based on your needs.