Use symbolic Math symbolic representation:

1. You observe that oen fox eats 100 rabbits each year. You have the idea that every increase of one int eh fox population will cause the rabbit population to decrease by 100.

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I do not understand how to arrive at the mathematical representation. Thanks.

Use this as a model:

F-R=T?? Something seems to be missing.

Let's define the variables:

Let x represent the increase in the fox population.
Let y represent the decrease in the rabbit population.

Based on the given information, we can represent the relationship between the fox and rabbit populations using symbolic math as follows:

x = increase in fox population
y = decrease in rabbit population

The rate of decrease in the rabbit population is directly proportional to the increase in the fox population. In other words, for every increase of 1 in the fox population, the rabbit population decreases by 100. We can express this relationship using the equation:

y = -100x

In this equation, the negative sign indicates that the rabbit population decreases as the fox population increases, and the coefficient -100 represents the rate of decrease.

Now, if you want to find the decrease in the rabbit population when the fox population increases by a certain amount, you can substitute the value of x in the equation and calculate y. For example, if the fox population increases by 2:

x = 2
y = -100(2)
y = -200

So, when the fox population increases by 2, the rabbit population decreases by 200.