what is a free form shape


Several of the links in these search results will give you some idea.

Looking for some comparisons and contrasts for the painting Renoir, The Skiff and Rembrandt, Storm on the Sea of Galilee

A free form shape is a shape that does not have any predefined or regular geometric form, such as squares, circles, or triangles. It is irregular and can have curved or jagged edges. These shapes are usually created or defined by hand rather than using specific measurements or mathematical formulas.

To understand what a free form shape looks like, you can try searching for images of free form shapes online. This will provide you with visual examples. You can also look around your environment and observe objects or artwork that have irregular shapes. Sometimes, free form shapes are found in nature such as clouds, tree branches, or coastlines. By examining and identifying these shapes, you can have a better understanding of what constitutes a free form shape.