why the line x = 4 is a vertical line.

Name three points on the line represented by x=4. Then explain why, when we connect these points, the line goes straight up and down and does not slant to the left or right.

Is the three point becasue on a graph we have -4 =4 on a graph twice and x + 4 a vertical line because x = 0

Three (x,y) points on the x=4 line could be

(4,0), (4,1) and (4,8) . You could also add (4,any other number)

When you draw a line through these points, it goes straignt up and down, because the x value is always 4.

The line x = 4 is considered a vertical line because it is a line that extends infinitely in both the positive and negative y-directions while remaining parallel to the y-axis.

To find three points on this line, we can choose any three values for y and substitute them in the equation x = 4. For example, we can select y = 0, y = 1, and y = -1. Substituting these values into the equation, we get three points: (4, 0), (4, 1), and (4, -1).

Now, let's understand why connecting these points results in a straight vertical line. Remember that the x-coordinate in each of these points remains constant at 4, while the y-coordinate varies. When we plot these points on a graph and connect them, we can observe that the line connecting them goes straight up and down, parallel to the y-axis, without slanting to the left or right.

This is because the line x = 4 simply represents all the points on the coordinate plane where the x-coordinate is equal to 4. Since the x-coordinate remains constant (always 4) while the y-coordinate can vary, the line only extends vertically and does not have any variation in the x-direction (left or right). Therefore, it appears as a vertical line on the graph.