in plants the process that happens when sugars break down and give off energy is called

The process in plants where sugars break down and release energy is called cellular respiration. Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria of plant cells. To determine this, one can follow these steps:

1. Identify the keywords: In this case, the keywords are "plants," "sugars break down," and "give off energy."

2. Search: Use a reliable search engine or scientific database to search for the keywords. For example, you can search for "process in plants where sugars break down and release energy."

3. Analyze the search results: Look for sources from reputable scientific websites or research papers. Pay attention to the information provided and check if it aligns with your question.

4. Verify the information: Read the retrieved sources and look for mentions of cellular respiration in plants. Cross-reference the information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy.

By following this process, you can confirm that the process in plants where sugars break down and give off energy is called cellular respiration.