5. Find the x and y intercepts of each linear equation. Be sure to write your answers as ordered pairs.

y = 3x - 6
6y = -x + 2

On the second equation, change it to read y= ...,. Divide both sides of that equation by 6 to get the desired result.


The first one has slope m=3 and y intercept of -6.
To find the x intercept set y=0 and solve for x to get
0 = 3x - 6 or 6=3x and x=2

The second equation is
Divide both sides by 6 to get
y = (-1/6)x + 1/3
The y intercept is 1/3
To find the x intercept set y=0 and solve for x
0=(-1/6)x + 1/3 or
-1/3 = (-1/6)x multiply both sides by -6 to get
-6 * -1/3 = x or x=2

To find the x-intercept, you need to set the value of y to zero in the equation and solve for x.

For the first equation, y = 3x - 6, set y = 0:

0 = 3x - 6

To isolate x, add 6 to both sides:

6 = 3x

Divide both sides by 3:

2 = x

So the x-intercept of the first equation is 2.

To find the y-intercept, you need to set the value of x to zero in the equation and solve for y.

For the first equation, substitute x = 0:

y = 3(0) - 6
y = -6

So the y-intercept of the first equation is -6.

Now, let's tackle the second equation. To make it easier to work with, convert it to y = ... form by dividing both sides by 6:

6y = -x + 2

Divide both sides by 6:

y = (-1/6)x + 1/3

To find the y-intercept, set x = 0:

y = (-1/6)(0) + 1/3
y = 1/3

So the y-intercept of the second equation is 1/3.

To find the x-intercept, set y = 0:

0 = (-1/6)x + 1/3

Multiply both sides by -6 to get rid of the fraction:

0 = x/6 - 2/6
0 = x/6 - 1/3


0 = x/6 - 2/6
0 = (x - 2)/6

To isolate x, multiply both sides by 6:

0 = x - 2

Add 2 to both sides:

2 = x

So the x-intercept of the second equation is 2.

Therefore, the x-intercepts and y-intercepts of each linear equation are as follows:

First equation: x-intercept = (2, 0), y-intercept = (0, -6)
Second equation: x-intercept = (2, 0), y-intercept = (0, 1/3)