the most common english unit of mass is the pound avoirdupois. what is one troy pound in kilograms and in pounds?

To determine the conversion of one troy pound to kilograms and pounds, we need to know the conversion factors.

1 troy pound is equivalent to 0.3732417216 kilograms (kg).
1 kilogram is approximately equal to 2.20462 pounds (lb).

Therefore, we can use these conversion factors to calculate the value:

1) One troy pound in kilograms:
Multiply 1 troy pound by the conversion factor of 0.3732417216 kg.
1 troy pound * 0.3732417216 kg = 0.3732417216 kg.

So, one troy pound is approximately equal to 0.3732417216 kilograms.

2) One troy pound in pounds:
First, convert the troy pound to kilograms using the conversion factor we calculated earlier.
1 troy pound * 0.3732417216 kg = 0.3732417216 kg.

Next, convert the kilograms to pounds using the conversion factor of 2.20462 lb/kg.
0.3732417216 kg * 2.20462 lb/kg = 0.8219178081 lb.

Thus, one troy pound is approximately equal to 0.8219178081 pounds.