I can't find the variable and expression for the poulation of oakland. Here's something to help you with Oakland, California is 5,417 less than the poulation of omaha, nebraska.


the expression is on the right, the dependent variable is on the left.

It is a very silly example.

The population of Oakland, California, is 5,417 less than the population of Omaha, Nebraska. define a variable and write an expression for the population of oakland. Not the same person with the other people that had this question.

To find the variable and expression for the population of Oakland, we can use the given information about the population of Omaha, Nebraska.

Let's say the population of Omaha, Nebraska is represented by the variable "O".

According to the information provided, the population of Oakland, California is 5,417 less than the population of Omaha, Nebraska. In other words, the population of Oakland can be expressed as (O - 5,417).

So, the variable for the population of Omaha, Nebraska is "O" and the expression for the population of Oakland, California is (O - 5,417).