What is an inequality

See your other post. An example of an inequality is x+4<=5

Check this site.


Thank you Ms.Sue..

So would this be the right answer?

$8000< x < $12,000

Sydney, Donna, please do not change screen names on this forum.

See Jen's answer above.

An inequality is a mathematical statement that compares two expressions using one of the symbols < (less than), > (greater than), ≤ (less than or equal to), ≥ (greater than or equal to), or ≠ (not equal to). It represents a relationship between the values of the two expressions.

To understand what an inequality is, it's helpful to look at a simple example. Let's consider the inequality 2x + 3 > 7. In this example, the expression on the left side of the inequality is 2x + 3, and the expression on the right side is 7. The symbol > means that the expression on the left side is greater than the expression on the right side.

To solve an inequality, you typically want to find the values of the variable that make the inequality true. In the example above, we can solve the inequality for x by performing a series of mathematical operations to isolate x on one side of the inequality. For instance, we can subtract 3 from both sides, which gives us 2x > 4. Then, we divide both sides by 2 to get x > 2.

So, the solution to the inequality 2x + 3 > 7 is x > 2, which means that any value of x greater than 2 will make the inequality true. Conversely, any value of x less than or equal to 2 will make the inequality false.