The sum from 0 to infinity of (-1)^n(3/3^n) is convergent or divergent? If convergent, what is the sum?

I got that it's convergent and the sum is 9/2, but that's wrong.

It is not clear without sufficient parentheses what the expression really is.

I assume it to be:
Sum((-1)^n * (3/3^n)) for n=0 -> ∞
This is an alternating geometric series.

(9/2) is the correct sum for the geometric series (non-alternating).

Write out the first few terms of the series:
3 - 3/3 + 3/9 - 3/27 + 3/81 - ...
which can be regrouped into two geometric series:
3(1+1/9+1/81+...) - (1+1/9+1/81+...)
=3(9/8) - (9/8)

Note that if the minus sign becomes a plus sign, we get the geometric sum of 9/2.

Oh, right . I forgot all about the -1. Thanks.

You're welcome!

To determine whether the sum from 0 to infinity of (-1)^n(3/3^n) is convergent or divergent, we can use the concept of geometric series.

A geometric series has the form: a + ar + ar^2 + ar^3 + ... , where 'a' is the first term and 'r' is the common ratio between consecutive terms.

In this case, our first term is (-1)^0(3/3^0) = 1(3) = 3. The common ratio is the ratio between consecutive terms, which in this case is (3/3) = 1.

A geometric series is convergent if the absolute value of the common ratio, |r|, is less than 1. In our case, |r| = 1. Since |r| equals 1, the geometric series will be divergent.

Therefore, the sum from 0 to infinity of (-1)^n(3/3^n) is divergent.